For years, customers, sales people, even Rockford Fosgate employees say ... "You know, the old stuff was just better!" ... We'll we think the real truth is that maybe these people just have short term memory troubles. Really, can you really remember how last night's dinner tasted, much less a Punch amp that you had in 1986...? We think that the real issue is for anyone.. that first time... when you first caress the volume knob and feel the life changing power of THE PUNCH... crushes your belief of what car audio was... from then on... it's all about "how can I get that feeling again?" Sounds familiar doesn't it...
Comparison Purposes
These comparisions are not intended to replace the nostalgia of legendary PUNCH & POWER series amplifiers. These are solely to illustrate how today's model "stacks-up" versus the original model. It's also a testament to show Rockford Fosgate's engineering quality has continued on building on a legacy. Since new amplifiers "sound too good to be true" our comparisions were made to amplifiers known to be the best ... other Rockford Fosgate amps still pounding in car audio systems around the world.
Comparison Criteria
Although a controversial topic, Rockford Fosgate chose to focus on measureable, repeatable, meaningful specifications that can be used to make educated decisions. Therefore, our comparisons are based primarily on these criteria:
1. Output power
2. Number of channels
3. Retail MAP (manufacturer's advertised price)
Fanatic Amplifier Owners
We have received lots of feedback regarding these comparisions, some very passionate. That's what seperates normal car audio enthusiasts from car audio fanatics! Just for the record, nobody wants to take away your "Punch DSM amp that's been pounding 4 Punch subwoofers since the early 90's." How many other people can say that their brand X amplifer has lasted so long? Only Rockford Fosgate! Check out these classic Rockford Fosgate amplifiers compared to a few NEW models... you'll see... nothing feels like THE PUNCH... never has... and NEVER WILL!
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